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February 2016

February Newsletter

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(image courtesy of chrisroll at

“I’m a little groundhog, it’s my day. Wake and stretch, go out and play. Down in my burrow, down so deep, Time to wake from my long winter’s sleep.”  ANON (Quoted in )

In our culture, we start the year on January 1st  – and the Chinese (perhaps more wisely) wait until the lunar Imbolc (new moon in Aquarius) to begin their year.  I’m most definitely a little groundhog (Groundhog Day 2nd February 😉 ) that doesn’t want to venture forth into ‘newness’ until I can sense the season turning (and with the strength of the earth element in my chart that can easily tip over into complete inertia)!

As I write there’s a conjunction of the moon to Mars in Scorpio, suggesting a strong need to protect our loved ones, but perhaps an equally strong likelihood of emotional challenge and conflict (Scorpio’s energy takes us into the realm of shadow and unconscious triggers).  The quincunx (150 degrees) to Uranus in Aries (from moon and Mars) may well exacerbate the likelihood of some kind of passionate outburst (I was certainly feeling a tension as I sat down to write and was comforted to see it ‘written’ so graphically in the planetary connections).  With the Uranus/Pluto square still ‘happening’ (the constant pitting of the ‘revolutionary’ against the ‘constitution’), it’s no wonder things feel tense today (and we just passed the last quarter moon of course, as well)!

A great time to ‘go deep’ though, and work with the energies: journeying, meditation, therapeutic interchange, etc. – and do take some time to ‘tune in’ before ‘acting out’!

The moon is in Scorpio until mid-afternoon on 2nd February; Mars is in Scorpio until 6th March – and dips back in there during its up-coming retrograde (Mars back in Scorpio from 28th May until 3rd August).  The quincunx of Mars to Uranus comes to a head on 5th February!

For me just now, Saturn is sitting in my 10th house, so I had a look back to when he was in the 4th (laying the foundations for now) to get some perspective.  I was certainly learning a lot about the modalities that I practise now – time to ‘redefine’ my role, perhaps… If you take a look at the house/sign where Saturn sits in your natal chart, there’s often a sense of lack, struggle – or testing in that area.  And the house that he’s moving through now (14Sagittarius10 as I write) is the area of life that is ripe for some work to be done in your own life.

Do get in touch if you would like to look more closely at working with the planets in your own chart.  And I still have some plans to hold classes and workshops in the near future, but the energy there seems to be still very firmly in hibernation!

Blessings for Imbolc and the unfolding of the year!

Helen x

P.S.  Attaching some text I wrote on social media about Mercury’s recent station direct.