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“To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to the violence of our times.” THOMAS MERTON
“Be in relationship with your intentions. Get as clear as you can.” T. THORN COYLE
We’re in the season of Imbolc; the sun is in Aquarius. This is a time of looking forward to the spring, preparing for the year ahead; for getting clear about our goals (both long-term and short-term).
The quotation from Thomas Merton (born 31st January) struck me this morning as I was reading a social media post by Franco Santoro. It fits nicely with the T. Thorn Coyle quotation (full post link below as it resonates very strongly with Aquarius for me) in reminding me that I can’t be ‘all things to all people’ if I want to stay connected to my own centre.
Aquarius is in polarity with/sits opposite the sign of Leo (Leo rules the heart which pumps the blood around the system. Aquarius rules the circulation). In balance, Leo’s courage might aid Aquarius’ urge to freedom, but Leo’s tyranny may, equally, oppose Aquarius’ quest for truth, with Aquarius’ tendency to ‘throw out the baby with the bathwater’ perhaps, threatening Leo’s sense of purpose (Leo’s ruler is the sun). All the signs have both positive and negative traits.
Another of today’s astrological ‘moments’ was the passage of the moon in Pisces over Chiron, focusing my feelings on the on-going quincunx between Chiron and Jupiter (in Libra). The quincunx is a tricky aspect (150 degrees) which usually requires some adjustment as signs at this angle tend to push each other away (‘this town ain’ big enough for the both of us’). With Jupiter’s hopes for peace, fairness and diplomacy at odds with Chiron’s (at times) overwhelming collective grief, we may well need that proverbial periscope again for these two to see each other well enough to make the necessary compromise.
This quincunx also holds possibilities for growing into a compassion which sees the divine in all beings, but Eric Meyers also points out the need to watch out for that people-pleasing tendency which ends up with us being the doormat for others to walk over – chiming in, again, with the quotations above!
Let’s not get carried away… let’s get clear about moving forward!
Link to T. Thorn Coyle’s article here
Love and blessings for Imbolc/Candlemas!
Helen x
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