“You cannot solve the problems in life with the same consciousness that created them.” EINSTEIN
I’ve been musing on the cycles within cycles that make up our life here on earth (we’re in the season of fire in this part of the world from a Medicine Wheel point of view: life is coming into flower, there are decisions to be made, and the sun is high in the sky). And in tracking how the planets touch into each other’s energies on a moment-by-moment, day-to-day, month-to-month basis, I am tuned into an awareness of the cosmic dance that plays out and touches into our lives according to the maxim: as above, so below.
Saturday (30th June), the planet Mercury squared up to Uranus, which coincided, for me, with some ‘aha’ moments (Uranus) from old diaries (as I am in a continual process of sorting what needs to go from my life and what is to keep)! The Mercury/Uranus square didn’t touch into my chart directly, but an on-going Pluto connection to my natal Mercury is keying into getting rid of old papers, old thoughts – dredging the depths of my ideas over time. My personal planet of communication is in process of transformation!
Mercury is due to join Mars (see last month’s newsletter) in hir tri-annual retrograde from 26th July, 2018 (how are you finding this Mars retrograde?) – moving ‘backwards’ in Leo this time (through to 19th August). The pair make an opposition before this (on 5th July), which might spark off some ‘telling it like it is’ or even ‘cut the crap’ energy in our communications (I referred to stuff being ‘detonated’ in last month’s newsletter 😉 ). You might be feeling a difference in Mercury’s dialogue with Uranus as this is the first time in 7 years that they’re meeting in fixed signs (keying into stubbornness and stuckness, perhaps, with a focus on staying power and values).
This month is also the beginning of ‘eclipse season’ and our first eclipse is solar, marking the new moon in Cancer on 13th July and followed by a total lunar eclipse (full moon in Leo) on 27th July. Remember that eclipses also follow cycles, and the eclipse degrees this year hark back to those in 1999 (if you can remember that far back of course 😉 ). If they closely pick up planets in your own chart, you might expect ‘an event’ that relates to the planet in question (but not necessarily at the exact moment of the eclipse). And we can also look forward to Jupiter’s long climb back up out of Scorpionic darkness as he turns direct on 10th July (a journey of deep soul-searching for me)!
May our growing consciousness give rise to new solutions (whatever the problems may be)!
Love and blessings from Helen x
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