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November 2017

November Newsletter

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“Heartbreak is unpreventable; the natural outcome of caring for people and things over which we have no control, of holding in our affections those who inevitably move beyond our line of sight…” DAVID WHYTE

The darkness of this season feels a little darker for me, after the passing of one of my dearest friends. Our letting go at this level, on this plane, is often a painful wrenching and we’re left wondering what it’s all about. A part of me is always trying to work out what it means, when, perhaps it is just as it is and I need to process my part of it and live my life?

Our hankering after what is gone can mean that part of our soul goes ‘walkabout’, trying to cling to the threads of times, places and people that are no longer here in the form we remember. We cannot truly live the ‘wholeness’ of our lives in that state (we need to forgive ourselves for that – we’re all in process and it takes great courage to heal).

Reminded of this old piece from a journal (first written in December 1994 and updated in 2001/2011):

“Waves of sadness keep washing over me…
Familiar this pattern of grieving…
Hopes, fears, illusions, sadness, despair…
A circle of emotions, dreams, possibilities, escape…

“I know I have to let it pass through me, this new death in which there are already seeds of new life. How much easier, though, to succumb to the feeling of finality that death brings; to succumb and to atrophy like Miss Havisham in Great Expectations, to keep quite still in the hope (is it a hope?) that nothing will ever flourish again. Somehow that would feel like a price had been paid.

“But ‘there is no pay off’, and the dying leaves of this winter will feed the new growth of next spring. And whether or not we feel we deserve to die, whether or not we would prefer oblivion to this unending cycle of life-death-life, in our highest selves we will continue to embrace these paths of learning…”

(There was an ending to that last sentence which I’m sure is not true for me anymore, so I left it out… hey, I’m not even sure about the learning bit now, either… things are a-changing… I’m letting go of old words!)

This is, of course, the season of letting go, of honouring those who have gone before us, and we have a full moon in Taurus on 4th November, 2017 (11Taurus59 at 5:24 hrs GMT), helping us to shed light on what there is to hold onto in these times of flux. Venus is coming to the end of her time in Libra (a happy place for her – she’s been there since 14th October). She moves into Scorpio on 7th November (not a happy place, but she’ll be in what’s known as ‘mutual reception’ with Mars in Libra for a while, which is helpful). Mercury moves from the depths of Scorpio into Sagittarius on 5th November (slowing down/getting ready for a retrograde phase in December – oh joy I hear you say, some Advent chaos!).

The Astrology & Healing Workshop rearrangement has finally settled (I hope!) on Saturday, 2nd December, so do get in touch if you’re interested as this is a small group workshop with only a couple of places left.

(Photo courtesy of Suriya Kankliang at

Love and blessings in this necessary phase of darkness, from Helen x