“The (natal) chart is like Ariadne’s thread which allows us access into and out of the heart of the labyrinth, but… not actually the thread. The real thread is the process of consultation that leads… to the living myth symbolized and created by that person’s chart.” RICHARD IDEMON
Individualising… is so important.
For one person, the impact of a transit of Saturn could be structuring and enabling, for another, it might mean having to face up to failure and a sense of ‘come-uppance’.
So many ways to interpret the symbolism… and the most important sense of meaning comes from you! What does it mean for you?
Neptune has been ebbing and flowing over my natal moon since early June, 2013 and in my first house of self for far longer! The lunar bit will be over in the New Year (2016) and I sense that land is in sight on this Odyssean journey (or perhaps I’m learning to swim in the deep waters in a way that keeps me afloat until the next landing 😉 ). For some, the Neptunian energy can feel like total dissolution, for others there’s a sense of expansion into something transcendent and a building of compassion – or maybe all of these!
In following the ‘thread’ (see quotation above), the symbolism of astrology can be really helpful in making some sense of the ‘happenings’ of our lives – for instance:
Just now, the osculating apogee that is called Black Moon Lilith, is making its way through the sign of Libra, and Lilith is the ‘wild self’ – the untamed self (or that part of us which we’ve hidden away because it has always been unacceptable to others). Tom Jacobs (‘Lilith: Healing the Wild’) talks about this position of Lilith calling for, “an infusion of unfettered honesty in(to) all meaningful relationships” and she’ll be in Libra until mid/late December, 2015 (or until early January, 2016 if you’re using the ‘mean’ position rather than the ‘true’). Tom further looks at this placement as our needing to, “open to hearing the truth of the other, even when uncomfortable” – she’s been here (on and off) since early March, 2015 (or since end August, 2015 with the ‘mean’ position). Her ‘obscure’ energy may well have been important for those with prominent placements in the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn), but perhaps a little overshadowed by the more obvious transits of Uranus and Pluto as they continue their journeys through Aries and Capricorn respectively.
December, 12th, I’m running a small group workshop focusing on the myths and stories associated with the signs and planets – do get in touch if you’re interested in working with your own chart. There’s also some information about this on my facebook page…
Love and blessings to you, the things you’re releasing and the ancestors you’re honouring at this time of Hallowe’en or Samhain (for those of us in the northern hemisphere at least)!
Helen x
N.B. From December’s newsletter I’ll be using my gmail address – see below and side bar!
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