“Problems may be massive, but most of these were created by past errors and will be resolved by getting on with what needs to be done now.” ROY GILLETT
The quotation above (from Roy Gillett in The Astrological Journal) refers to the present build-up to Jupiter and Saturn joining Pluto in Capricorn during 2019-20. He refers to this combination elsewhere as ‘a rare confrontation with reality’ (Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions happen every twenty years or so, but the presence of all three planets in Capricorn hasn’t happened since 2866 BCE).
Capricorn is one of the cardinal signs of the zodiac which coincide with the equinoxes and solstices (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), having about them that energy of beginnings and action. Cardinal energy often tries to resolve stress by acting on it and the stress is often triggered by relationship issues, responsibilities and the demands of the world.
Just now, the sun is moving through Cancer (along with Mercury and Mars) so the focus may be on the demands of family and the urge to nurture/be nurtured in some way. Pluto has, of course, been in Capricorn for some time and Mars in Cancer is directly opposite to Pluto as I write (exact 02-Jul-17). Mars’ position in Cancer is not a comfortable one, so anger may turn to tears and assertion might be somewhat passive-aggressive. The opposition to Pluto may also serve to bury anger, setting us up for ailments from repressed anger which could tend towards things like headaches and digestive issues. The meeting with Pluto might also cause long-repressed anger to surface.
With Mars’ recent square to Jupiter in Libra, we might have the urge to fight on behalf of the things we believe in, with a sense of fairness and justice high on the agenda. And if you have major planets and angles in cardinal signs, the transiting planets may well be triggering off issues in your own chart. You might have the urge (for example) to get involved with campaigning on behalf of a cause that is dear to your heart, but watch for that tendency to think that your cause is the ‘one true cause’ and that everybody else should be on board!
Uranus is still in the later degrees of Aries, so Mars and Mercury pass over a square to this revolutionary planet later this month – watch out for unexpected ‘fireworks’ (5th/6th for Mercury and17th/18th for Mars)! With Mercury there might be a tendency to ‘blurt’ – and the full moon in Capricorn on the 9th falls a degree away from Pluto, highlighting his position.
Aries energy is renowned for its ‘hot-headedness’ and intolerance of others who can’t keep up! The Bach Flower, Impatiens can help centre us into the more balanced leadership qualities that this sign can embody. Cancer energy can get lost in a sense of indifference or a tendency to live in the past. Clematis is the Bach Flower which can help bring us back into the ‘now’ and that ability to tune into others’ feelings in a helpful way. Libra energy is susceptible to procrastination and indecision, with Scleranthus helping us to trust our inner knowing. And Capricorn’s energy can let those nagging fears get the better of us, leading to a loss of integrity at times. Mimulus is an essence which can help bring us back into a place of trust. (Photo courtesy of pazham at freedigitalphotos.net)
The signs on the cardinal cross interact and challenge each other and there are many possible combinations of planets in signs/planets in aspect (from our earlier example, Mars is ruler of Aries but is presently moving through Cancer and opposing Pluto in Capricorn). Flower Essences are gentle healers and can be taken in combination too. If you’d like to take this further for yourself I recommend Peter Damian’s book, ‘An Astrological Study of the Bach Flower Remedies’ and one by Debbie Sellwood, ‘Centaury for Virgo, Rock Rose for Pisces’ which also includes other flower essences, such as the Australian Bush Flower range. You might also like to look at the huge range of essences that Healthlines has to offer – website link provided.
Love and blessings from Helen x
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