(Photo courtesy of Dr Joseph Valks at freedigitalphotos.net – and entitled, ‘Entrance to Time Machine’)
With no planets in air signs, it hasn’t been an easy time to think things through and communicate our thoughts, so Venus’ ingress into Libra (with Jupiter to follow) brings a breath of fresh air as we approach the eclipse season…
“…eclipses seem to deal… with the creative realm of timeless ideas… (they are) indicators of events, rather than… timers of events… An eclipse on a degree in the chart of a native… alerts (us) to the fact that a major event may be expected…” (from David Ovason’s, ‘The Book of the Eclipse’)
There’s such a lot of hype about eclipses, and David Ovason’s book really helped me to get some clarity (a good word for the upcoming New Moon in Virgo, perhaps?) about them. He points out that the influence of an eclipse spreads out forwards and backwards in time depending on the length of the eclipse (one hour = one year), with a one hour eclipse influencing 6 months before and 6 months after the eclipse itself… Tomorrow’s new moon happens at 9degrees21, so if you have a planet or angle up to a degree either side of that in the mutable signs (particularly the Virgo/Pisces axis), this is the one to watch. This eclipse lasts 3 minutes and 5 seconds according to my ephemeris so its orb of influence extends about 9-10 days either side of Thursday, 1st September (2016). Later in the month (at the full moon), there’s a lunar eclipse at 24Pisces20, affecting that degree in all the mutable signs.
The fact that these important lunations are happening during Mercury’s retrograde brings an inner, reflective process to bear. Austin Coppock talks about this combination in terms of a ‘wrym hole’ which takes us, “…down the tunnel of confusion, through the winding course of accident and coincidence…” and into our own ‘libraries of buried truths’ (ibid – link to the full article provided).
We’re also in mid-process with three exact Mercury/Jupiter conjunctions (this paragraph is extracted and condensed from one of my social media posts), leaving us more than usually prone to absent-mindedness and, perhaps, heightening that Mercury retrograde tendency for mistakes and accidents. You might be feeling drawn to broadening your mind or your horizons, or trying to fit a hundred-and-one things into a short space of time!? This could also be a good time to focus on the meaning behind events happening in your life (first conjunction happened 22nd August, next one 2nd September – and the final one, at around 7 degrees Libra, takes place on 11th October). Or maybe it’s time to create a new vision-board for the future, write a new story, or plan your next trip to faraway places…?
And – as if that weren’t enough, we’re approaching the last of the Saturn/Neptune squares (late November, 2015 – mid-June, 2016 – early/mid-September, 2016)! I’m going to ‘attach’ my edited musings on that (from a June social media post) rather than refer to it, so that you can choose whether that’s important for you just now.
Love and blessings in this mutable season, from Helen x
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