November Newsletter 2018

By 14th November 2018newsletter

Balsamic moon phase, with moon in Libra as we head towards tomorrow’s new moon in Scorpio (15Scorpio12 at 16:03 hrs GMT).  The middle degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are associated with the astrological fire festivals, so new moon at 15 degrees Scorpio is a powerful reminder of the themes of Samhain – the veils are thin; we’re anticipating the the dark of the winter season and honouring our ancestors.

Taurus rises in the new moon chart for the north of England, focusing Venus’ (ruler of Taurus) retrograde path in her own sign of Libra before she turns direct on 16th November (25Libra14) after 6 weeks (from 10Scorpio50) of reflection.  The need to go inwards and tune into what we really value in our lives, to honour the feminine in ourselves and others, to uncover old relationship issues and work on the balance of self and other (issues highlighted at the most recent full moon in Taurus) are, once again, to the fore as we journey into the next lunation cycle.

Looking at the chart, I’m drawn to several planets in the late degrees of signs, particularly Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Scorpio (as I write, there’s also moon in the 29th degree of Libra, with Chiron in the same degree in Pisces).  The 29th degree is a tricky one according to most astrologers.  It’s the dying degree, the tidying up degree, a degree where we’re tested or we overcompensate; a degree where there are changes to be made, lessons to learn and a certain impatience (just to mention some of things said on this subject 😉 ).  Letting go into the dark of the moon may be beset with taxing issues, therefore, and the need to sort some of those loose ends (perhaps a list to tackle as the moon waxes into her next cycle might be helpful?)!

Jupiter’s sojourn in Scorpio has felt long and dark for many of us (that ends on 9th November as he moves into his own sign of Sagittarius for the next year) and Uranus is retrograde for the last time in Aries.  These two in combination (it’s a tricky aspect, the quincunx – 150 degrees) are associated with last minute reprieves, but you may be feeling a mismatch between Jupiter’s expansion of and journeying towards the ‘shadow’, and Uranus’ last ditch ‘gunfight at the O.K. corral’ (or some such 😉 ) before he returns to Taurus next March!  Jupiter’s close trine (120 degrees) to Chiron in Pisces at this time suggests this could be a good cycle for healing around beliefs, as well as our emotions (water signs), with Venus’ close trine to Mars in Aquarius opening up avenues of communication (air signs) between the sexes.  The new moon degree itself is also closely trine Neptune in Pisces, helping us access the compassion and transcendence of this planet (but, as always, watch out for the easy slide into addictive behaviours as well as the tendency to delusion and confusion).  The abundance of trines might also suggest some ease in learning those 29th degree lessons (let me know how it goes 😉 ).

Flower Essence healing for this time brings to mind, Isopogon (ABFE).  Debbie Sellwood mentions it as an essence for the fixed views and dominating tendencies of Scorpio (Mars, one of Scorpio’s rulers, is also in Aquarius, the sign of fixed ideas), but it’s also an essence to help us retrieve forgotten skills and open up the subconscious mind (Jupiter in Scorpio).  Ian White also advocates its use for memory loss, bringing in the Neptunian side of the energies of this lunation.  (Do get in touch for more information on essences for this Scorpio season.)

May the gathering in of the third harvest see you through the winter months!

I offer one-to-one consultations in astrology and healing (separately and in combination) as well as day workshops exploring astrology in a healing space.  Do get in touch for more information and/or to book a session – and check out the Events list on my Facebook page (accessible through my website at for upcoming autumn workshops!

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