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Paul Bossons

May Newsletter 2018

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“Whomever or whatever Aphrodite (Venus) imbues with beauty is irresistible… JEAN SHINODA BOLEN


Last weekend saw me in the beautiful Devon countryside learning about gathering wild food with Ffyona Campbell – an enriching experience which just happened to coincide with the astrological Beltane (the energy of each element becomes more concentrated at the midpoint – 15 degrees – of the fixed signs and, in the case of Taurus, this is the element of earth)!

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April 2018

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“Have your congregation understood that they must… go through the darknesses of their own souls and set aside everything in order to become that which every individual bears in himself as his individual task…?”  C. G. JUNG (in a letter to Dr. Dorothee Hoch quoted by Alice O. Howell)


The St. Patrick’s Day new moon (see separate sheet for lunations) fell very close to Chiron in Pisces (now readying to move into Aries for the first time since April, 1968), offering us a collective opportunity to recognise the old, stuck patterns in our lives and treat them with compassion, letting them go into the melting pot of Pisces to be reborn into the dynamism of Aries!


But ‘resurrection isn’t easy’!  We so often carry the stuff of the past with us into the new cycle… It makes so much sense of how often I’m taken apart and reformed in shamanic journeys (that death and resurrection cycle over and over again) – there’s so much that I need to let go of in order to embrace the new!


The build up to the Easter full moon (31st March, 2018) took us through an assault course of challenges in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), and likely faced us with questions (and possibly some insights) about our relationships (with ourselves and others).


Just now (1st April, 2018) we have a building conjunction of Mars to Saturn (in Capricorn).  Both strong in exaltation and rulership (respectively).  The last time Mars met Saturn was in late August, 2016 in the sign of Sagittarius (when the passions were more likely related to beliefs and ideals than the hard work and realism of Capricorn).  Mars, god of assertion and passion meets Saturn, god of limitation and fear.  Various authors point to tests of strength with these two in combination, and Reinhold Ebertin talks about the association with muscle (Mars) and bone (Saturn) – anyone out there finding themselves easily injured just now?


Together, these two planets hold the possibility of ‘control(ling) and direct(ing) the will’ according to Sue Tompkins, with Mars’ courage and daring anchored by the discipline and integrity of Saturn (on the downside of course, Saturn’s tendency to over-control or fear might thwart the will of Mars or, equally, Mars’ frustration give rise to outbursts of rage).  With Mercury in Aries also coming back to square Mars this week (after meeting with the sun today, thus beginning what Erin Sullivan terms the Promethean phase of the sun/Mercury cycle), we might need to watch out for those words of frustration spilling out!

(Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at


There are many ways these things might play out, of course, and if its touching closely into your own natal energies there’s more likelihood you’ll feel its effects in your life.  Perhaps we could use these transits to help give us the courage to speak with integrity, to move towards healing what is ripe for healing and work towards clearing the way for ‘our individual tasks’?


Love and blessings in this first sign of the astrological year!                  Helen x